Donations & Projects
Since Agape was founded, our team of tutors have collectively raised over $22,000 toward donations and projects in helping students and children within our tutors' communities and abroad.
St. Agnes School
in West Chester, PA
We donated notebooks, paper, highlighters and more to around 50 kids that participate in St. Agnes School’s after school program. Their after school program provides tutoring and care for the local students in the West Chester area.
Chino Women's State Prison
in Chino CA
Another Christmas gift donation as we approach the holidays! Our California division completed a donation for the children of inmates at Chino Women’s State prison! Special thanks to Ashlyn for leading this project!
Family Promise of the Main Line
in Norristown, PA
Another donation in the books! With the help of Family Promise of the Main Line we were able to help around the 50 students that this Family Promise location supports. We donated around 50 backpacks, notebooks, gluesticks, folders, pencils, pens, and more! So proud of all out tutors who make these impactful donations possible. Special shoutout to Christine Shin and Ina Han for representing Agape with this project!!
Ramonia G. de Rodriguez Library
in North Philadelphia, PA
We partnered with Ramonita G. de Rodriguez Library in North Philadelphia to provide students in the local area with ChromeBooks. We donated a total of 36 ChromeBooks, and we are so grateful for all our tutors who have worked together to fund this project!
Pediatric Patients at Community Health and Dental
in Norristown, PA
So happy to announce our donation with Reachoutandread! Special shoutout to coordinator Kirsten Rogers for connecting us with the Reach Out and Read site at Community Health and Dental. With our donations we were able to support the books given to kids during their wellness visits from the ages ranging from infant to 5 years old. With our $840 donation we were able to fund more than 280 books!
Pathways PA
in Media, PA
We partnered with PathwaysPA, a local homeless shelter for women and their children in order to provide folders, notebooks, markers, glue, scissors and other school essentials to the 40 students that are housed in the shelter.
Great Valley High School Comfort Closet
in Malvern, PA
We donated leggings, toiletries, shorts, t-shirts, and backpacks to one of our tutor’s high schools. The “Comfort Closet”is a closet full of clothing and supplies that is available to the students that attend Great Valley High School who cannot afford the daily necessities to go to school.
Students in Chester County
in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
Some behind the scenes as we prepare for our next big donation to students in need in Chester County!! Special thanks to Christine Shin and Ina Han for leading these local projects with our tutors in the Philly area!! Keep up the good work
Students in Center City
Philadelphia, PA
The local tutors of Agape near the Philadelphia area came together in order to package and gift 150 bags of school supplies to the local kids and families in need in the Center City Philadelphia area.
Brain J Knightley School
in Liberia
A group of tutors from Agape came together to package and gift 150 goody bags full of snacks, supplies, and cards. These goody bags were sent to the Brain J Knightley School in Liberia. This school is helped by some of our tutors' local church, All Nations Church, and through this church we were able to donate our funds in order to make these gifts possible for the students in this school.
Korean American
Special Education Center
in Anaheim, CA
We donated sensory toy packages to the children with disabilities in this program. This program’s mission is to help Korean American families with children with disabilities who are not receiving adequate special education and social welfare due to language and cultural barriers. They provide various educational services and guidance. This program is located in Anaheim, California and our tutors from Agape found it important and wanted to donate 60 sensory toys for the students involved in this nonprofit organization.
Lighthouse After School Program
in Upper Darby, PA
The Light House After School program created by All Nations Church is an after-school program in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania that provides free homework to local students in the area that cannot afford other after school and tutoring programs. Our donations consisted of notebooks, pencils, pens, color pencils, markers, erasers, stickers, and snacks. A group of our local tutors from Agape came together to pack these supplies into goody bags and they were then given to the students that come to this after school program. In total our tutors packed 100 of these goody bags.
Rainbow Village
in Duluth, Georgia
With the holiday season approaching we donated educational robot toys to the kids who are housed by Rainbowvillageinc in Duluth, Georgia. Special thanks to Janice Lee for leading this project, and our tutors in our Georgia division who were involved. Good work!
Great Valley High School
in Malvern, PA
With the winter season approaching we donated 112 beanies, 112 pairs of gloves, and 48 fleece scarves to the students in need at Great Valley High School.
Children's Hospital of Atlanta
in Atlanta, GA
Our tutors in Atlanta, Georgia came together to buy and gift Christmas presents to the toddlers receiving care from the Children's Hospital of Atlanta. We bought toys such as Legos and Playdoh to the toddlers at the hospital.
Pantry Providers
in Cucamonga, CA
We worked with Pantry Providers to donate food to Abundant Living Church's food pantry in the community of one our tutors in Cucamonga, California.
All Nations Church for students
in Liberia
Through Antioch All Nations Church, Agape donated $2500 to reach 330 children to donate food, walking canes for blind children, and new sneakers for Christmas.
Firststep Academy
in Kashmir, India
We donated $3000 to this academy which is a Christian academy in India. Because of Covid-19 this academy was struggling to pay their teachers in order to educate the local students in the area. Our donation helps to pay the 16 teachers that are a part of this academy, especially because of the school’s financial struggles during the height of the pandemic. We found out about this academy through one of our tutor’s churches that financially helps out to run the school.
Students living with Disabilities at Antioch Church
in Philadelphia, PA
We donated a total of $297.4 worth of toys for the disabled kids at some of our tutors’ church Antioch Church of Philadelphia. In this church there is a group of disabled kids and we wanted to give back in a way for these kids by buying them sensory toys.